The journey of Party4Duchenne began with a deeply personal story - the story of a brave and inspiring young boy, Haider Ali Raza. Haider was born on 24 September 2005, bringing immense joy and hope to our lives. However, when he was just one and a half years old, our world was shaken as he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a condition that would profoundly impact his life and ours.
Driven by a desire to make a meaningful difference, not just in Haider’s life but also in the lives of countless others facing similar challenges, we established our foundation in 2010. While we are registered in the Netherlands, our focus has always been on extending our support to less fortunate families in developing countries, who are grappling with the complexities of muscular dystrophies, especially DMD.
We chose Party4Duchenne as our foundation's name because we wanted it to reflect our commitment to fighting DMD with a spirit of resilience and hope. Over the years, we have dedicated ourselves to providing support, medical aid, educational opportunities, and a platform for those affected by muscular dystrophies to connect and find solace in shared experiences.
Tragically, on 5 November 2023, we lost our beloved Haider Ali Raza. His sudden passing left an indelible mark on our hearts and reinforced our commitment to this cause. In his honor, we want to propel Party4Duchenne's activities forward with much increased dedication and impact, turning our grief into a force for positive change.
Today, Party4Duchenne stands as a beacon of hope and support for those affected by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and other related conditions. We continue to work tirelessly, driven by Haider’s memory, to bring light and assistance to families facing these challenges, particularly in underprivileged communities. Our mission is to empower, educate, and support, ensuring that every individual and family impacted by Duchenne can lead a life of dignity and fulfillment.